Sunday, 2 October 2011

Positive and negative images

This is an image of the infamous Columbine shooting victims in Colorado 1999.
Two students Dylan Khlebold and Eric Harris who had been plotting this massacre since 1997, of which had a history of mental problems and had previously been arrested and then put on probation were responsible. Some may ask as to why children who have a history of violence and mental problems are allowed such easy access to guns? This is all due to the second amendment, "The right to bear arms" which the founding fathers originally granted in the bill of rights as a means for militia and hunting. However, some may argue now, that the militia system has evaporated, yet the right to bear arms is still intact. This leads to the knock on effect of 40% of schools having a problem with kids owning dangerous weapons such as guns, as they can buy it from their local walmart! The constitution is the driving force behind americans' beliefs, the judicial process, the law etc, but when it allows incidents such 63 school shootings in 11 years, then maybe this calls for a change?


This image shows the case of "Brown v board of education Topeka 1954"  This case did not only overturn a previous ruling of the supreme court fifty eight years previously, but it was also the first step into overturning segregation. Brown V Board all started when a ten year old girl wanted to go to school locally, but couldn't because she was african american and the school locally to her was for white people only. Instead, she was forced to go to a school for african americans, miles away from where she lived. Her mother took the board of education in Topeka, where she lived to court and won against them.

This did not only deem "Plessy v Ferguson" which recognised african americans as being "separate but equal" and condoned segregation unconstitutional, but it also led to the integration of elementary schools in Topeka which then spread. Affirmative action initiatives such a busing (mixing different classes of children into the same schools in a bid to make them equal) then followed. This is a positive image as it shows how one case led to the overturning of a controversial and social issue such as segregation and the vast change that followed, which the constitution allowed for, not only this but it allowed for the supreme court, the highest judicial court in the land to "check" itself and adapt the law to society as it evolved.

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