I chose a picture of the Glee cast as my positive image not only because I'm a massive Gleek but because of the message the show puts across. All of the characters in Glee are underdogs, they are kids that are unpopular and don't fit in. However all of them have amazing talents whether it be singing, dancing or acting. My main reason for picking this image as my positive image was because the idea that it doesn't matter who you are or where you've come from if you have enough self belief and work hard enough you'll make it and is a prominent message embedded within the Glee episodes. I believe this concept is also embedded within American culture therefore making this show highly accessible and reiterating to the audience that you can be whoever you want to be.

For my negative image I decided to choose this image because obesity is one of the biggest killers in the USA. Recently it has over taken smoking as one of the most threatening health issues in America, with 64% of the population being classed as obese. When I was in America earlier this year all I ever seemed to see was fast food restaurants and I was in a tiny town in Sonoma County! This idea of wanting everything as quickly as possible seems to dominate American culture and fast food seemingly fits this lifestyle. Although, whenever I wanted something quick to eat I ended up with a huge meal that could have fed at least two people and took me forever to eat. I know America like to do things bigger and faster than everyone else but when it's risking the health of the population I don't see how this can be a positive attribute to America as a nation.